The Jews Are To Blame For The Current Economic Crisis

In a recent study 2,768 Americans were asked about the amount of blame attributed to the Jews for the current economic crisis.  Participants in the study were asked: “How much blame were the Jews for the financial crisis?”

The possible responses were:

  • a great deal
  • a lot
  • a moderate amount
  • a little
  • not at all

The results: 24.6 percent of Americans blamed “the Jews” a moderate amount or more, and 38.4 percent attributed some blame to “the Jews.”

When the results were broken down by political party:

  • Democrats – 32% blamed the Jews
  • Republicans – 18.4% blamed the Jews

This is disquieting to say the least.

While universal suffrage is a cornerstone of democracy in the United States, this study suggests that it may be time to rethink the right to vote for the people responding to this survey who blamed an single ethnic group for our economic circumstance.  This is just a preliminary reaction, but one can not help but to be disturbed by the results of this study.

yojoe (in disturbed mode) out