Pete Carroll Outstanding Coach; Better Person

USC football coach Pete Carroll has amassed an extraordinary record at SC.  But what is even more impressive is his philanthropic work.  Earlier this year, Coach Carroll ensured that his special assistant, Ricky Rosa, received a Rose Bowl ring.

Now Coach Carroll has invited Ryan Davidson, a 15-year-old boy battling cancer, to practice,

On this day Carroll walked Ryan onto the field and showed him a player/coach-only close-up view. When practice ended QB Mark Sanchez came over and escorted Ryan into the middle of USC’s postpractice huddle, where the players cheered his name.

Ryan and his family will be at the Coliseum for Saturday’s game against Arizona State.

“If you could only understand his attitude about dealing with his issues and how strong he has been,” Carroll said. “He’s given strength to his family and his friends and his doctors. He’s reassuring the doctor for taking care of him over the years.

“He’s an amazing spirit.”

What a man.

yojoe Fight On!

H/T: OC Register USC BLOG

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