Blackwater Worldwide: Sues City Of San Diego Over West-Coast Traning Facility

Readers of Dreadnaught know that Blackwater Worldwide is does not shy away from controversy. Whether it be providing security in for the Department of State in Iraq, being asked to leave Iraq, or statement by its owner Erik D. Prince. Blackwater has been planning for a west-coast campus for some time, but San Diego has not been welcoming them with open arms.

Now the boys of Blackwater are suing the City of San Diego to hasten the opening of its west-coast campus. Lawyers for the city claim that Blackwater failed to apply for the proper permits. Blackwater’s lawyer claims the city’s argument is “absolute nonsense.”

Be careful San Diego, you know Blackwater Worldwide is essentially a private army, and possibly an air force.

yojoe out

Global Warming On Mars: Caused By SUVs?

Apparently Mars is experiencing global warming. How did this happen? Did the Martians forget to purchase carbon offsets?

yojoe out

Civilian Contractor: First To Be Tried By Court-Martial

Alaa “Alex” Mohammad Ali is a civilian contractor charged with stabbing another civilian contractor. Alex will be the first civilian tried under the 2006 amendment to the UCMJ.

Alex is a citizen of both Iraq and Canada. He was hired as a interpreter by the U.S. Military. Alex will be provided with a military defense lawyer.

This will be a test case for the new procedure for trying civilians.

yojoe out

Blackwater Worldwide: Not So Welcome In San Diego

Blackwater Worldwide was planning to open a training facility outside San Diego. Not so fast, says the mayor of San Diego.

On Monday, Sanders told his development services director, Kelly Broughton, that Blackwater’s permits, which had been issued by city staff, will require more scrutiny than the staff-level review.

Broughton then sent a letter to Blackwater vice president Brian Bonfiglio stating that “no certificate of occupancy will be issued” until the company’s plans are approved by the San Diego City Council and Planning Commission.

Sanders’ action was prompted by a legal opinion issued Friday by San Diego City Attorney Michael Aguirre that found problems with Blackwater’s permits.

Controversy is nothing new for the boys from Blackwater.

Blackwater Must Leave Iraq

Hired Guns: Necessary For The Military

yojoe out

Video: Test Of F-35 Joint Strike Fighter

This video is of the Marine Corps’s version of the Joint Strike Fighter, the F-35B.

yojoe out

Air Force Wants New Drone

From the best technology-military blog Danger Room, comes the story of the Air Force’s desire to replace the Reaper with a new “hunter-killer” drone. MQ-9 Reaper first deployed to Iraq in the fall of 2007. It looks like the Air Force wants some of the $500 million budgeted for drone aircraft.

yojoe (in drone mode) out

Notre Dame Football Coach Charlie Weis Disparages U.S. Military

Hoodlum – noun – a young street ruffian, esp. one belonging to a gang.

Thug – noun – a cruel or vicious ruffian, robber, or murderer.

Notre Dame Football Coach Charlie Weis was quoted as saying “I could get hoodlums and thugs and win tomorrow. I won’t do it that way.”

Evidently Coach Weis is referring to the hoodlums and thugs that defeated his football team last year, which included a loss to the United States Naval Academy and the United States Air Force Academy. This is unacceptable for Coach Weis to label Midshipmen and Cadets as thugs and hoodlums to justify his abysmal coaching and Notre Dame’s lack of success on the football field.

Coach Weis was correct when he recognized he was a disaster. The jury from his failed malpractice case was correct when they returned the verdict: you are fat.

Coach Weis should concentrate on losing a record 10th bowl game, and stop besmirching the fine men and women of the Navy and Air Force.

yojoe out