Judge Halverson: Misconduct Hearing Delayed By Health Problem

The misconduct hearing for Judge Elizabeth Halverson was delayed when she became ill in the middle of her testimony.  Apparently,

Judge Halverson suffered what her attorney called a “hypoglycemic” event this morning. Her attorney says the judge’s blood sugar level became low, and she was unable to continue her testimony.

Odd, Judge Halverson is the last person one Judge Elizabeth Halverson (KLAS-TV file photo)would suspect to have a medical condition.  She appears to be the picture of health.

The hearing is set to resume on 14AUG08.  The judge also lost her bid for reelection.

For more on Judge Halverson see here and here.

yojoe out

4 Responses

  1. I’ve been following this trial on TruTV, if this crazy woman isn’t removed from the bench, good help us all as well as the U.S. judicial system. “She appears to be the picture of health”<-LOL!

  2. she is a big fat slob , and needs to go to a weight loss clinic. While shes there they need to give her an attitude ajjustment.

  3. I think she is a big fat slob who needs to go to a weight loss clinic for the obese. While she is there they need to give her an attitude ajustment.

  4. if she was black, that would be taken as a racist statement, how does her weight affect her judgement on the bench? Oh, BTW, I’m fat, too.

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